2026 J-Term Courses
J-Term Courses
Each year, students and families will receive a J-Term course catalog that describes the vast array of potential opportunities our faculty members have developed. Students are able to either enroll in two 8-day J-Term courses or a single 16-day J-Term course. Some J-Term courses allow for students to earn course credit upon completion. Courses can occur in a variety of academic settings, both on NCSSM campus and off. In some cases they are far OFF campus ranging from states like Utah and New York to countries like Italy and Japan.
*The links below will be updated when course catalogs for 2026 are released.*
Link: January Term 2025 Travel Course Mini-Catalog - Approved courses with extended travel for J-Term 2025
The Course Request form will be open for students September 26, 2025 - October 10, 2025. Each student must request their first choice in J-Term course choices and five alternates. Students will be notified of their enrolled J-Term courses the second week of November.
Students who are pursuing a travel J-Term course will be on a different timeline, as sponsors often select students in the spring or beginning of the year. If you have already been accepted to a J-Term travel course, your first choice must be your travel course, followed by five alternative options in case of course cancellation. If you are planning to participate in a travel J-Term but have not yet been accepted, you will need to complete the course request form as directed above.
J-Term Course Request Form (Link will be available during the course request period in September. You must be logged into your NCSSM account to access the form.)
The Course Request Form must be completed regardless of whether you already have paid a deposit for a trip.